Place Holder
Ongoing Experiment /forever

‘It belongs to none, it belongs to all, it belongs to none at all.’

We are, and exist. Whoever we are, we require place. We exist in that place, holding our space.

Ambiguity, a uniform. Our actions and words what fills the silhouette, making the true shape of ourselves.

What place do we hold?
We are all place holders.

It belongs to none, it belongs to all, it belongs to none at all.

We can extend outwards infinitely, yet physically are held in place.

Place Holder is a platform for graphic and form experimentation in relation to the human experience. It is a place whereby Daam–Rossi’s creations begin to live and become things; physcial emobiments to be experienced by people. Graphics, objects, experiences, concept...

For now, visit the INSTAGRAM feed to see the progression of things.

All Images and Content Copyright Daniel Daam–Rossi 2020